Wednesday, July 15, 2009

love Indonesia

Fostering a sense of love for the Indonesian nation is one step
National Identity Restoring a supposedly had begun to fade. Indonesia is a very great country with friendly nature tamahnya, rich with many natural resources, diverse cultural, religious and religious, had a tour Seo Sadau so fitting Indonesia became a very prosperous and noble, strong and advanced.

But many young people today are more loved many things yangh imports or foreign smells. A simple example is the death figure of michael jackson. Lots of TV stations reported vigorous figure of the American singer is. Even some national TV station besara preach it almost every day. Why are we the indigenous people so ngefans figure Indonesian singer who always do the plastic surgery. new in the grave a few days later after the death of such information is accurate news, And in Indonesia a lot of singers who are also no less with Jackson.

There are so many Indonesian singer who successfully won the international singing contest. A lot of Indonesian students who won the race world of mathematics or physics, etc. level. So is the number of Indonesian products were actually branded and exported. Let's make it happen lengkah Indonesia with love what love what is in this country tercinte Indonesia. By learning and Action Star Stop Dreaming and the fact that everyone can achieve success.

Success does not belong to the rich, highly educated, etc., but success can be achieved by anyone home there's a will, willing to learn, diligent and really really. One thing you need to try but with really really is running an online business on the internet. You do not pelu far away to think about what product will you sell because you can make money like free advertising business google adsense for example. Only By having a blog or website and manage it very seriously so that later you can be online business will succeed on the internet. You can choose the field that you control, choose the right keywords such as articles written by Joko Susilo this.

Good luck and welcome to the world of the Internet. Realize you love to Indonesia to continue to learn sehinnga naintinya we can all give it the best for this beloved nation of Indonesia Nation

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