Thursday, May 20, 2010

Welcome!!! Our Dream, Our Plan

25-May-2010 As many of you probably know Rachel and I have been dreaming of taking an extended international trip for years. I can remember sitting in far-flung places in Patagonia back in 2007 scribbling possible itineraries on cocktail napkins. Not too long ago we found one of those old cocktail napkins, and, low and behold, some of those scribbled places appear on our current itinerary!

Starting early the morning of July 4th (Independence Day...) we will board a big ol' jet airliner, with one-way tickets bound for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As the plan goes, we will return back home after more than 10 months and visits to more than 12 countries. Our departure will mark the culmination of years of planning, saving and dreaming.

With the big day about 40-days away we still have much to do. Packing, moving, selling our car, whittling down our possessions, purchasing gear, travel vaccinations, and sending away for visas are all on our ever-growing list of things-to-do. The whole process is exciting, tiring, scary, and liberating.

Over the next few weeks we will be posting information about our itinerary, our planning process, and how you all can stay in touch with us while we are on the road.

We will be keeping this blog updated whenever we are able to connect to the internet and will be carrying our trusty netbook (affectionately named "minitop" by Rachel). We will detail subscription options in a later post.

Early on in the planning process we began thinking about this trip as a really long weekend. We invite you to share our journey with us; the ups and the downs, the beautiful and the sublime, as we explore the spectacular natural landscapes and rich cultures of SE Asia, Nepal, India, New Zealand, and beyond.

Please join us on One Long Weekend...

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