Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Best Hawaii Sunset Photos

Dear Best Hawaii Vacation visitors,
Our last post 'June is the month of Hawaii sunsets' and our call for your best Hawaii sunset photos triggered a nice response with beautiful Hawaii sunset photos. Without any further ado, here is our display of unique Hawaii sunset photos with information about the Hawaii location and the person who took the sunset photo:

Hawaii Sunset Photos in Kailua Kona Big Island Hawaii

These very unique Hawaii sunset photos were taken by Barbara the owner of Kona Ocean View.

Kona Ocean View Pool Sunset

Hawaii Cruise ship passing for this Kona sunset from Kona Ocean Viw

Visitors at Kona Ocean View are waiting for the Green Flash at sunset

Another unique Kona sunset photo in Hawaii

Different Hawaii sunset photo from Kona Ocean View Pool
Hawaii Sunset Photo Kealakekua

This sunset photo was taken by Viviane the owner of Bellevue Kona Bed and Breakfast

Kealakekua Sunset from Belle Vue Kona Bed and Breakfast
Hawaii Sunset Photo in North Kohala Hawaii Big Island

This sunset photo in Mahukona was taken by Bobi the owner of Kohala Coast Adventures

Mahukona Sunset in North Kohala
Hawaii Sunset Photos South Kohala Coast

These Hawaii sunset photos were taken by Kalia the owner of Hale O Pueo in Kohala Estates.

Hawaii sunset photo from Kohala Estates

Another beautiful Hawaii sunset from Hale O Pueo

Hawaii sunset on the Kohala Coast
Hawaii Sunset photo Puako Beach

This photo was taken by Bruce the owner of Hale Hoaloha Puako condo

Hawaii Sunset photos Waikoloa South Kohala

These photos were taken by Andy and Diana from Hale O Malia in Waikoloa

Waikoloa Ocean View Sunset photo

Hawaii sunset from Waikoloa Golf Course condo lanai
Hawaii sunset photo Wood Valley East Coast

This photo was taken by Missie from Big Island cottage in Wood Valley

Hawaii ocean sunset Wood Valley East CoastHawaii Sunset Photo Maui

This photo was taken by Julie the owner of Ka Hale Ulu Wehi O'Maui

Maui beach sunset photo
Hawaii Sunset Photo East Coast

This Hawaii sunset photo was taken by John the owner of Kohala Gallery

Hawaii sunset photo East Coast
What a wonderful way to end our display of Best Hawaii Sunset Photos. Much mahalo again to everybody who submitted a Hawaii sunset photo.

We are certain that we are not the only people who love those sunset photos from Hawaii. If you are interested to use any of these photos on your Hawaii website, please, be aware that the Hawaii sunset photos are copyright material. In most cases when you ask the site owners for permission to use a certain photo, you will get it, especially when you mention your sunset photo source.

To everybody else who enjoyed the photos, let us know which of our Hawaii sunset photos gets your vote as 'My Best Hawaii Sunset Photo'. Looking forward to your comments. Mahalo and aloha, Pua Hawaii Vacations

Hawaii Photos related articles

5 Best Photo Tips for your Hawaii Vacation
Get a Tour of Hawaii with Hawaii photos from Honolulu photographer Jennifer Crites
Get a Taste of your Big Island Vacation with Big Island Photos
June is the month for sunsets in Hawaii

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

goodbye - miley cyrus

I can honestly say you've been on my mind Since I woke up today, up today
I look at your photograph all the time
These memories come back to life
And I don't mind

I remember when we kissed
I still feel it on my lips
The time that you danced with me
With no music playing

But I remember those simple things
I remember 'til I cry
But the one thing I wish I'd forget The memory I wanna forget Is goodbye
I woke up this morning and played are song
And throwing my tears, I sang along
I picked up the phone and then put it down
'Cause I know I'm wasting my time
And I don't mind

I remember when we kissed
I still feel it on my lips
The time that you danced with me
With no music playing

But I remember the simple things
I remember 'til I cry
But the one thing I wish I'd forget
The memory I wanna forget

Suddenly my cell phone's blowing up
With your ringtone
I hesitate but answer it anyway
You sound so alone
And I'm surprised to hear you say

You remember when we kissed
You still feel it on your lips
The time that you danced with me
With no music playing

You remember the simple things
We talked 'til we cried
You said that your biggest regret
The one thing you wish I'd forget
Is saying goodbye, saying goodbye
Ooh, goodbye

Thursday, June 17, 2010


That will teach him being so sloppy.... never leave your shoes where other can fall over it, you might fall over them yourself.

waka waka song versi dad

hehe kalian semua pada tau kan lagu waka waka? kalo mau liat liriknya di blog rifa aja nih http://raifa-rifa.blogspot.com/ hehe...
jadi ceritanya tuh gini..ayahku lagi nonton bola pas itu lagi siapa lawan siapaaa gitu...lupa deh -_-
nah kalian tau kan lirik nya waka waka yang tsamina mina e eh waka waka e eh...nah kalo ayahku beda nyanyiin nya..haha
ayah : STAMINA MINA e eh STAMINA MINA e eh (sambil nyanyi di dapur -_-)
fiona : lah kok stamina yah? bukannya tsamina mina e eh yah?
ayah : yah suka suka...kita kan orang indonesia jadi STAMINA
fiona : tapi kan lagunya emang gitu ayaaaah haha
ayah : (nyanyi lagi) STAMINA mina e eh STAMINA mina e eh - nadanya tsamina mina e eh doang yg di inget hahah -_- dasar ayaah ayah..

hehe...i love you dad...muahh :)
oke dadaaaaaah sampai disitu dulu..

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


terimakasih allah saya naik! senangggggg.. :) ......HAPPY semoga di kelas sembilan nanti...

-MUDAH MUDAHAN LEBIH RAJIN SHOLAT (ini nih susah heheh paraaah -_-)

thats it...

all hope will come true if we want to .... so if I want this hope come true ...
all my hopes would come true :) i hope soo....i hope i can be better

i will fight for this :)


Monday, June 14, 2010


Pengen cerita niiihh jadi kemaren hari jumat aku dinda putri dan billah pergi ke TEKO nah disana kita nonton KARATE KID wuih itu pilm bener bener seruu ga nyesel dehh padahal awalnya tuh si putri gamau nonton film itu soalnya katanya film anak kecil! bah sotoy banget tuh anak -_- haha!
ehhh taunya kan abis nonton gituu pada ngomong gini..

Billah : "seru kan puut filmnyaa?"
Putri : "ahh enggak tuh biasa aja" (sambil senyum senyum) - gengsi :)
Billah : "alaaaaaaaahh"
nah akhirnya kan kita nyari gelang blablabla abis itu aku baru inget hari itu kan ada pembukaan piala dunia yyaahh kelewatan deh aku ngomong...
Fiona : "eh sekarang jam berapa? kan jam setengah 7 ada pembukaan piala dunia"
Dinda : " nih udah lewat fi" (sambil nunjukin hape)
Fiona : "yyaaaahhh sialan"

nah tiba tiba kita ngeliat ada badut tinggi (yg pake kaya semacam bakiak gituuu) kaya pake kostum bola gitu (buat ngerayain pembukaan piala dunia)
Tiba tiba putri ngomong...
Putri :"astaghfirullah itu itu... iihhh TAKUT ahhh ah udah ah TAKUT nih aku...
Fiona, Dinda, Billah : "hahahhahaha"
Billah: "dasar alay"
Putri : "aku tuh bukannya alay aku tuh takut dari kecil ahh takuut"

yaudah kan aku tarik aja tuh si putri ke deket badutnya haha eeehh dia mukanya udah kaya mo nagis gitu..hahahahuahaha -_- parah put! dia udah kaya orang kepanikan gitu ahaha...

Billah : " kenapa put takut?"
Putri : "enggak masalahnya aku tuh takut ketiban"
Fiona : (dalem hati : ya allah mikirnya.............haha)
dan akhirnya kita dijemput juga sama supirnya billahhh..heheh okeokeeeeeeee daaaann go hoome bye! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

June is the month for sunsets in Hawaii

Dear Best Hawaii vacation blog visitors,
Let's take a short break between posts about best Big Island hiking. Hiking Pololu Valley as our 'Best Big Island Hiking' suggestion, did gather momentum soon. So for all those passionate Hawaii island hikers, our next hiking tip for the Big Island is coming soon.

When our friend Bill Jardine, long time realtor on the Big Island, came up with another one of his wonderful articles about Hawaii, written with love and passion for the islands and writing skills I envy him for, I could not resist to publish it right NOW:

June is the month for sunsets in Hawaii

"There are sunsets every night. Actually, scientists might remind us that there are "horizon rises" every night, but I prefer the idea that the sun is going down rather than the horizon rising up, hurling me backward into the night at over 1,000 miles per hour! The thing with sunsets is that the ones with the ocean on the bottom have been glorified to the point that the other sunsets just don’t get the attention they deserve. The classic ocean sunset is indeed gorgeous but, really, kind of boring too.

Mountain sunset in Hawaii
Here on the Island we get plane loads of folks from the mainland who are dreaming of sitting on their very own lanai and watching the horizon gradually rise up to block the sun. Perhaps they will match the ruby red wine in their glass with the rosy western afterglow as the canopy of stars spreads far above. Before long the edge of the great Milky Way will be obvious, stretching across the heavens from upper right to lower left. Perhaps with subsequent glasses of wine they will toast the great good fortune that has guided them to this blessed place in the middle of the vast North Pacific. Indeed, it is a blessing, and we who have been able to spend our lives in all this beauty are way beyond lucky.

Ours is a very special view at sunset, because the rush toward dusk sets the mountains glowing with bright blades of gold before rendering their great flanks a warm burgundy against the gathering darkness in the eastern sky. Flocks of Warbling Silverbills fly like notes of a symphony into the shelter of the Koa trees.

Ranch land on Hawaii Big Island
We enjoy views of great, sunny pastures which are home to cattle and wild donkeys and goats who revel in the fresh trade winds that ruffle their coats and sweep away the flying insects seeking to climb aboard. In the distance are the three great mountains, Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa and Hualalai, gathering cloaks of afternoon rain along their western slopes. They are intensely beautiful and seem to have personalities of their own when the sun sets over the ocean and shows its reflections on the majestic volcanoes."

As soon as I was writing Bill's article about Hawaii sunsets, I was wondering what fun it would be to collect Hawaii sunset photos from residents or Hawaii visitors. If you have one of those special Hawaii sunset, feel free to email it to us with your short description where in Hawaii you took the sunset photo. Maybe, if we get enough photos, I can publish your photos in a special "Best Hawaii Sunset Photos". I can't wait to hear from you. Mahalo and aloha, Pua Hawaii Vacations
As a start with Hawaii sunset photos, here is my contribution.

Special Hawaii sunset photo

Thursday, June 10, 2010

1 day left for 8u

8UUUUUUUUUUU UUUh kenapa sih? rasanya pengen nangis inget kelas 8u (same as rifa) anak anak 8u walopun kita ga sekelas lagi (pasti ada yg gak sekelas) tetep sapa sapaan yaaaakkk! -_- (insyaallah masih bisa!)

this is it 8u!.... :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


5# KOMPAK .....(ga yakin nih?-_-)

Plain melodies
Simple guitar chords
Your humming to my songs
Lyric of the heart
...and the rhymes of the moon
Make the best night music
Night music
Thats belong to you and i


Tak Terasa Teman...

hah...tak terasa yaa sekarang udah mau perpisahan aja..padahal kayanya baru kemareen deh yang namanya bercanda, ngobrol bareng, bikin rusuh, ketawa bareng, maen bareng, apa apa barreeng bikin rujak bareeeng (ahahah?! ampe sekarang aku masih bingung kenapa yaa 8u bisaa menang ahahah?!?! ahahah dasar sarap! belum tau aja kita kasih apa aja di rujaknya huahahah ada sisa sisa kulit nanas yang menghiasi rujak... juga dihiasi dengan nanas yang dipotong naudy pake tangan! buseett tuh anak jorok buanget ahaha! huekk!-_- lebay.. :) tapi suerr nau jorok banget dah nau! ampe berair gitu nanasnya karna dibejek ama tangan naudy ! -_- BUT BUT BUT....itulah yang paling berkesaan...nah! adalagi banyaakkk...yang berkesaan..that i wont forget forever (i hope so :p)..hehe makasi yaaah bu uthie terutama yang udah jadi wakil kelas kitaaaa...makasih ga kapok kapoooknya ngajar kita teriak teriakin kita hehe.. :) we are always proud being your students...sekali lagi maap ye bu..ternyata memang bener kata kata orang itu..kalo waktu akan selalu berjalan dan kita ga akan bisa ngulangin semua kejadian yg udah kita alamin....maap ya teman teman kalau aku ada salaah..maap ya naudy aku jadi BEST STUDENT teruuuss! ahaha ga bisa tahan nau otak kuu udah terlalu pinter nau aku! -_- AHAHHAHAHAH....mudah mudahan di kelas sembilan nati bakal lebih berkesan lagi amiiieenn ya robbal alamiin...tak terasa sudah! sekarang saatnya berpisaah (ahaha lebay!) kan belum tentu anak anak 8u yang sekarang sekelas ama aku sekalas lagi ntar! heh..once agaian maapp...okeoke.sampai disitu dulu...dadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh thankss for everything :)

My Friend,
my companion,
through good times and bad
my friend, my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness, with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,
throughout the years!


Monday, June 7, 2010


eh aku mau ngasih tau kok aku ga bisa buka msn akhir akhir ini padahal pas buka di hotmailnya bisa..terus pas di BB bisa juga tapi di komputer kagak bisa..ahh sialan...makanya nih akhir akhir ini aku rada jarang OL abisan ga bisa dibuka! -_- Help! kooo bisa gitu ya! ahhh ga seru bgt sumpah! ah help dong teman..ada yang bisa bantuuu??????! kalo ada yang bisa comment aja yahh..okeeeokee thanks.. :)

I dont need Drug anymore...
Becouse your love...

Just thought that..

Just tought that Im still Hiding from you...

im still cant show my face..until you find me in somewhere...im still hiding right?

imagine how you can find me at that way..it was suprised me..but when you find me you not bring me..YOU JUST LOOK AT ME AND JUST LEAVE ME ALONE....

Crawl - Chris Brown

Everybody see's it's you
I'm the one that lost the view
Everybody says we're through
I hope you haven't said it too

So where
Do we go from here
With all this fear in our eyes

And where
Can love take us now
We've been so far down
We can still touch the sky

If we crawl
Till we can walk again
Then we'll run
Until we're strong enough to jump
Then we'll fly
Until there is no end
So lets crawl, crawl, crawl
Back to love, Yeah
Back to love, Yeah

Why did I change the pace
Hearts were never meant to race
I always felt the need for space
But now I can't reach your face
So where
Are you standing now
Are you in the crowd of my faults
Love, can you see my hand?
I need one more chance
We can still have it all

If we crawl
Till we can walk again
Then we'll run (then we'll run)
Until we're strong enough to jump
Then we'll fly
Until there is no end
So lets crawl, crawl, crawl
Back to love, Yeah
Back to love, yeaaah

Friday, June 4, 2010


This is it..some films that i really want to watch! :) i hope will watch it as soon as possible..!! hehe..


STILL COMING SOON! really unique film...jadi ceritanya itu tentang hot tub yang bisa membawa kita ke masa lalu..SERU kayanya! dari trailernya aja udah seru....


really want to watch this!! ahh pasti seru! love shrek :)


nah! kalo yg ini..filmnya aku tau dari dindaa...kayanya seru juga!


aku punya temeen...ah kalian tau lah pastii! heheheh! :) (sama yg kaya temenku yg bilang kalo pancake itu serabi!! masih inggetkan??) naaah pas hari jumat kemaren aku kerumah dia! kita disana nonton film bratz dikamar sama herfaaa jugaa...tiba tiba ada mobil jemputan gitu dateng nah taunya itu tuuh ade nya si dia itu baru pulang (adenya itu cowo) abis pulang kan dia ganti baju yaah (si adenya itu) eeeh! tiba tiba si adenya itu dateng gitu ke kamar tempat kita lagi nontonn..tujuannya siih ga jelas mau ngapaaain dikiraku kan dia mau menghindar dari temen temennya yg ngajak main..eeh taunyaaa dia malah berdiri aja di depan pintu sambil senyum senyum..tak lama kemudian.....hening....PRET! (BUSETT! TUH ANAK KENTUT TAUNYA!)...eee eeeh abis itu langsung kabur lagii...ahahaha trus kata si dia : iihhh kamu niih malu maluin aja de! hehehehe ternyata ade sama kaka sama saja yaa...hehe soalnya kakaknya juga suka kentut siih di sekolahh shhttttt diem diem aja yaaa........heheheheheheheheeh THIS IS REAL! AND THIS IS JUST A JOKE! maap lagi yee kalo tokoh si dia marah or sakit hati! okeokeeee...dadaah semua!

Oh, the places we'll go...

4-June-2010 As you might guess planning a 10-month long trip is no minute task. Having made the decision embark on this adventure, the first question we had to answer was, "Where do we go?" Since both Rachel and I pretty much want to go everywhere, we went through a long process of narrowing down possible destinations. Considering the fact that traveling can be quite expensive we took into account costs, logistics, and places and regions that both of us wanted explore. Although our plan is by no means set in stone, we have decided to focus on southern Asia. This vast and varied region ranked very high on both of our to-see lists and neither of us have visited this part of the world. One added bonus is that the region is probably the cheapest places on earth to travel...lucky us!

On July 5th we arrive in Kuala Lumpur (KL for short), Malaysia on the steamy southern Peninsula of SE Asia. After KL we will head up for fun in the sun, sand, and sea on the Perhentian Islands (off the east coast of Malaysia), where we will learn to scuba dive. Other potential destinations on the Malaysian Peninsula include the hill station of the Cameron Highlands and the west coast island of Penang, which is home to, reputedly, some of the best and most diverse food in all of Asia. The last half of the month will find us in a biologist's paradise of the island of Borneo. Exploring the Malaysian Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak, we hope to get a taste of some of the most-diverse rainforest in the world. If we are lucky we will get to see numerous pitcher plants, orchids galore, the the giant flower of Rafflesia arnoldii , loads of birds and butterflies, proboscis monkeys, a mosquito or two, and, crossing fingers, orangutans.

August: Finishing up mid-month in Borneo, we will head to Yogyakarta on the Indonesian island of Java. For the rest of the month we will visit Hindu and Buddist temples, experience Javan culture and bathe in the surreal views in Gunung (volcano in Bahasa Indonesia) Bromo National Park.

September: We will continue exploring the diverse cultures and nature of the land of 17,000 islands (Indonesia) with visits to Flores (and surrounding islands) to see komodo dragons, deserted islands, and techni-colored lakes and Sulawesi to experience world-class diving at Bunaken Island and tarsiers in the Tangoko Nature Reserve. That scuba diving certification sure will come in handy.

October: After a couple of weeks of relaxation and experiencing Balinese culture (on Bali, of course) and a brief stop to gorge ourselves in Singapore it is off to Indian sub-continent: destination Nepal. In Nepal we will meet our friend, Betsy, and spend nearly a month trekking to Mt. Everest Base Camp-what a way to get high!

November: Returning exhausted mid-month to Kathmandu we will spend the remainder of the month recuperating, with possible trips to search for tigers in Chitwan National Park and, money and time-permitting, a foray into Tibet.

December: We will spend December experiencing culture (and probably digestive) shock in norther India. Among the things in the works are a couple weeks of yoga and the Taj Mahal!


January-February: Will find us in mainland SE Asia. Since this part of the trip is still somewhat far away, our plans are far from definite. Tops on are list of places to see are Burma (Myanmar), Laos, and Thailand. The current idea is to finish our time in Asia with a visit to the surreal temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

March-April: As part of our plan of assimilation back into western culture we will rent a campervan and spend about 2 months traversing the north and south islands of New Zealand.

Early-May: The last stop of our adventure will be 1-2 weeks of relaxation in the Pacific. The current front-runner is the island-paradise of the Cook Islands. From there it is back home to California.

So, there it is, our plan, 10 months, a little more than 300 days. The start of our adventure is just 1 month away. I hope you enjoy following us along the way...cheers!


Dear, Bu Uthie
Bu uthiee maapin kita yaaa (anak anak 8u) yang udah pernah nyakitin bu uthie kita tau bu uthie pasti cappeeek kan?? makanya bu uthie suka kadang kadang ga saabaar (hehe saya memaklumi karena bu uthie kan sekertaris! aku juga pernah ngerasain lohh buu!) bu buuuu maappp ya buu! kan bentar lagi perpisahaan ! (ahaha kaya mau kemana aja!) :) tapi buu ntar kelas 9 kita ga diajarin sama bu uthie..niee buu aku mau komentarin sifat ibu :

1. Bu uthie ituu kalo maraaah sereeem -_- tapii abis marah ngejayus cth : "hei anak anak 8u bu uthie udah capek nii!!!! kita jadinya mau main lagu apa ?! ( dengan suara keras karena anak 8u yg ribut) ?! MAU PILIH YANG MANA ENSAMBEL TERASI ENSAMBEL IJO ENSAMBEL APA? ahahaha bu buuu....walopun maraah masih bisa ceria! keep this! :) its FUN walopun JAYUS !!! Ahahah yg penting kita bisa ktawa buu!

2. Bu uthie ituuuuuu baiiikkkkkkkkkkk baik! :) suka bagi bagi makanan semarah marahnya bu uthie tetep bagi bagi makanaaan! makasi ya buu!! we love u! makasi pudingnya! makasi bak pia nya! makasi pilusnya!

3. Bu uthie ituuu sibuukk! kalo lagi sibuk sibuknya tuuhh kaya istri punya banyak anak! kesana kemari kesana kemari! mukanya pucet langung! heheheh bercanda buu! tapi begitulaahh....

4. Bu Uthie ituuuuu..........BAIK DEH POKO E!

5. 8U wont forget you! muaaahhhhh! heheh dadah ibuuu! ampe ketemu! masih ketemu koo buu kitaaa! kan masih satu sekolah! heheh jangan kangen yaaa buu! :) hehe!

from fiona!! :) your beeesssssttt student! ahahahahah brcanda bu! :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

find it!

It looks like I don't care but you're wrong...
It looks like you like but you don't...
You just keep runaway and finding yourself...
Find your self where you can get into...
You just have find it...
But you still stare and still not get into..
You still confuse because there are two room...
You don't know what will you choose...
You still confuse...
You still confuse...
Until you choose one...
There is something suprise...
Something there I just can't describe...
Something amazing...
Then you're believe that what is your choosen its the true choose...
You have already visited...
But I know...you're still confuse...you're still confuse...
You just have to leave that two rooms and find where you're self can get into...
Not that room and not this room...no one...
Just think and you will find it!
Trust me!

Poem by fiona ahahahha! Ga nyangka...comment ya kalo ada bhs inggris yg salah heheh :) I'm still learning thx for visiting byee!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


This is kinda funny, but I feel sorry for some of those kids, specially the way they bend over backwards when they fall.
