Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Taman Negara, Part 4

21 July 2010

Being stuck in Taman Negara is not a bad thing. We were supposed to move on to the Cameron Highlands today, but I came down with a bit of a stomach bug yesterday and we decided to put our travel plans on hold-just in case. It seems like rest, tlc from my dear Rachel, and a blast of Cipro has done the job and I up and at em' today.

This has enabled us to spend an extra day in Taman Negara-please hold the sympathy cards. Well, I will try to keep this short and sweet. Guess what? We went for another nice long (actually less steamy-it is a bit cooler here today) hike and absorbed more of the park's spectacular scenery. In brief, there were more plants, insects, mushrooms, flying squirrels and the like. The highlight of the day was a large spectacularly-ornamented caterpillar (nature, you amaze me).

Tonight we are off on a wildlife watching jeep safari through lands outside the park. We have a good chance of seeing leopard cats (look like leopards, but the size of house cats), snakes and possibly other animals. Wish us luck!

Tomorrow it is off to the Cameron Highlands for a taste of that natural air-conditioning that 5000 feet of elevation delivers. In parting, we really love Taman Negara and are somewhat sad to be leaving. Our first experience in intact Asian rainforest has whetted our appetites (pun intended).

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