refreshing your mine live in my country and tattoo in the world
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
A Slice of Cheesecake

Monday, November 29, 2010

WTF, India!
At every twist and turn, the sights, sounds, and smells of India surround you. In a short visit to this massively intense country, you encounter enough novel experiences to last a lifetime. At times India is mystifyingly beautiful and leaves us dreaming of wealthy maharajas ordering the construction of intricate palaces and fortresses. Make no mistake; India is not a comfortable place to visit. Filth, poverty, and suffering are abundant and constantly in your face. Some of the things we have seen will, unfortunately, be burned into my memory- like watching two street children (no more than 10 years old) huddled beneath a blanket doing drugs. I have lost count of the number of men, women, and children we have seen picking through mounds of putrid garbage searching for objects that they can use or sell. They sift through societies refuse alongside pigs, dogs, and sacred cows. Walking the streets early in the morning, India’s homeless, far too many of them children, huddle under blankets next to busy streets. During the daytime these children latch onto tourists’ arms pleading for money. They stand alongside the blind, dismembered, and disfigured vying for sympathy and support. They beg for help, but you realize that helping any one of these charity cases literally amounts to “a drop in the bucket,” there are just too many. India breaks your heart.
Many times, however, I have wished that India would break my ability to smell. Sewage, urine and feces from humans, cows, pigs, dogs, and, occasionally, camels or elephants are everywhere. In fact, India might be the only place in the world where if you don’t watch your step you might step in camel dung or trip over a dead dog (no, I am not making this up). Coming into Agra we watched as dozens of men, women, and children performed their morning rituals-squatting along the train tracks. Mental note-never walk along the train tracks in India. Each day, unsavory smells contrast mightily with exotic incense wafting through the air, and the wonderful spicy aroma of food being prepared. As I write this now, early in the morning in our hotel room, my mouth is watering from the smell of breakfast being cooked in someone’s home next door.
Last but not least in this sensory tour of India is sound. If you want to know what India sounds like go stand in front of your car and enlist a friend or relative to honk the horn over and over again. Mix that in with some revving auto-rickshaw engines, whizzing motorbikes, and a pinch of blaring Bollywood tunes and that is pretty much what it sounds like.
In tourist advertisements, India promotes itself, as “Incredible India.” Indeed, none of us can believe what we have seen, smelled, and heard. India truly is incredible. Glossy tourist brochures and posters of the country’s famous sites contrast greatly with the reality that greets you with every step. Two days ago, we crammed ourselves into a rickshaw and made our way to Amber Fort, just outside of Jaipur. We passed beggars, piles of garbage that made me want to wretch, and inhaled enough pollution to last a lifetime (at the end of each day a white tissue placed in one’s nostril comes out black with soot). However, as we walked up the staircase to this grand, amber-hued fortress, the annoyances of India disappeared and we were immediately lost in the “Incredible India” of tourist brochures. Wandering through its hidden passages, gardens, and numerous courtyards of marble and sandstone we were awe-inspired by the beauty of Amber Fort and forgot the travails of travel in India.
Walking on the street one day Kevin and I coined our own slogan, one which we believe fits a bit more properly. It is: WTF, India, or WTFI for short. The proper use of this phase is as follows: It can be used to describe how you feel when your auto-rickshaw dodges a huge tour bus as it speeds past, repeatedly blaring it’s horn, carrying hordes of tourists in search of “Incredible India,” followed by a brigade of camels. It is at this moment that you might feel like exclaiming, above the symphony of blaring horns, “WTFI!”
Friday, November 26, 2010
Intense, Incredible, India!
21-25 November 2010
The sights and smells of Delhi whizzed by us, quite literally. By the
time we successfully picked up my sister Sarah and cousin Kevin from
the airport, ate platefuls of delicious Indian cuisine, and survived
our first auto-rickshaw ride we were on a train bound for Agra, home
to the Taj Mahal.
As we munched on chickpea nuggets and chicory coffee, we watched the
Indian countryside awaken from the comfortable seats of the train.
Arriving in Agra in the late morning, we headed to an ancient city
called Fatehpur Sikri.
There, we laughed as goats dressed like people
(or as Kevin would say, “like pharmacists”) begged fruit off Indian
tourists, were amused by the begging children who were transfixed by
Nick’s “Ali Baba” beard, were awestruck by the intricate marble carved
rooms and buildings, and last but not least were pestered by numerous
men offering us their guide services. After an early dinner, we headed
back to our hotel in the rain, hopeful that the next days’ weather
would be better for our visit to the Taj Mahal.
We approached the west gate of the Taj Mahal just before dawn only to
realize that the ticket booth was about a kilometer or so back up the
road. Why would the ticket booth be up the road you ask? I think the
only answer for that is, this is India. While Nick and Kevin grabbed a
bicycle rickshaw back to the ticket booth, Sarah and I hung out near
the entrance and fended off the early morning nagging to buy
bracelets, marble carvings, postcards, calendars, and Taj Mahal
t-shirts. Yikes.
By 6:30am we were inside the gates to the Taj Mahal, excited to catch
our first glimpse of this grand wonder of the world. In the early
morning haze, the Taj Mahal appeared to be almost an illusion –
blending into and blurred by the pollution and grey skies. It was
surreal; it looked like it did not exist.
We spent the next few hours walking through and around the Taj. The
cloud colored marble inlayed with semi-precious stones was sublime.
The intricate designs carved out of the marble were magnificent.
Everything about the Taj was beautiful. As the sun rose higher in the
cloudy sky, the large tour groups started to arrive –signaling to us
that it was time to leave and get some breakfast. We went to a nearby
hotel where we could enjoy breakfast on the roof with a perfect view
of the Taj Mahal. Sitting there on the serene rooftop, we were shocked
when the guy at the next table said “Hey, didn’t we meet in Lukla, how
did you ever get out of there?” HA!
Later that day we hired an auto-rickshaw to take us to what is known
as the “Baby Taj Mahal” or Itmad-Ud- Daulah. For us, this was the
highlight of our time in Agra. Our driver was hilarious and brutally
honest, and the Baby Taj was peaceful, uncrowded, and its inlaid
marble was even more impressive than the Taj Mahal proper. Our driver
suggested that we go down to the river to get a view of the Taj Mahal
from the backside. The view was lovely, but we were hungry and soon
headed to yet another rooftop to enjoy a spicy, curried Thanksgiving
feast while enjoying the fading light on the Taj Mahal.
At 4am the next morning we found ourselves at a train station littered
with possibly hundreds of people sleeping on the ground. Dodging
sleeping bodies, we found our seats, secured our bags, and enjoyed
another sleepy early morning train ride to Jaipur and the state of
Rajasthan. We will spend the next week and a half touring through
Rajasthan, making our way through Jaipur, Udaipur, and Jaisalmer via
train before heading back to Delhi.
Everything Yes

While driving through Queens, on the way to somewhere else, I happened upon the most extraordinary cemetery. Or, cemeteries. Seventeen cemeteries to be exact, straddling the Brooklyn/Queens border. The first, with its exquisite rows of undulating white headstones, turned out to be a cemetery of tremendous historic importance, the Cypress Hills National Cemetery, one of the original fourteen national cemeteries (top photo). Cypress Hills Cemetery was established in 1849 as a nonsectarian burial ground. In 1862, during the Civil War, 2.7 acres were authorized by the private cemetery to be used by the United States federal government as burial spot for Veterans who did in New York City. There are over 21,000 interments in the cemetery. You can read more about it here.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Because It's Not

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wherever You Go, There You Are

Bengkulu Tourism Travel Tours
Bengkulu Province is located on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Bengkulu has the potential to attract tourism to Pengemar traveling. Starting from Bengkulu natural attractions such as Long Beach and White Sand Beach is a favorite for holiday resident of Bengkulu. The beach has always attracted tourists who love the beach panorama.
Sightseeing Indonesia in Bengkulu anywhere that can be made a place for family recreation? The following is a list of tourist attractions in Bengkulu and tourist attraction in Bengkulu who often visited by tourists.
Long Beach Bengkulu.
To reach this beach is easy, has many means of transportation to and from this beach. The distance is not too far from the city of Bengkulu, which is only about 3 km long beach is a cheap vacation spot for people of Bengkulu on a holiday. Here are also available hotel facilities and restaurants for tourists who want to stay. Some of the facilities of the hotel is a parking lot, there is a swimming pool and cottages.
White Sand Beach Bengkulu.
Location of White Sand Beach is located close to the ocean ports Baii Island. The distance of this coastal town of Bengkulu, with only about 19 km. Access to the White Sand Beaches are also easy, tourists can use any vehicle because the road to the beach is very good. The beach with white sand is a lot at tumbuhi spruce and has a beautiful panorama.
Rat Island Bengkulu.
An interesting nautical tourism in the province of Bengkulu. Apart from Rat Island, in the surroundings there are also several small islands. Many beautiful reefs around the island. To menujun Rat Island tourists only takes 1 hour boat trip by boat from the city of Bengkulu. For tourists who like the marine world, a vacation to the island of Pulau Tikus is suitable for Rats have an interesting potential for marine tourism.
Tropical Rain Forest Park Bengkulu.
The distance is about 16 km from the center of Bengkulu city. Tourists who want to visit here could use a tool vtransportasi anything. Tropical Rain Forest Park is an observation area is very suitable for camping because it has a beautiful natural panoirama.
Tempat Obyek Wisata Bengkulu
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
In love with Geckos in Hawaii
E Komo Mai and Welcome back to our special world of fauna and flora in Hawaii. The magic word today is "Gecko".

Long before the insurance company Geico adopted the gecko as its mascot, the Hawaiians knew the true value of their little friend. They shared their homes with the gecko, allowing it to roam at will, eating bugs or any other not welcome insects in the Hawaiian homes. The chirp, chirp of the gecko - mostly at night because geckos are nocturnals - was and is a reassuring sound, knowing the geckos were doing their job keeping the hale (Hawaiian for house, home) free of bugs.
Now,I know a lot of visitors come to the Hawaiian Islands not knowing about the benefits of the gecko and their first complaint is, "Hey there is a lizard in my room". Well, I say that's not a lizard, that's a friendly and non-threatening gecko.
Our geckos in Hawaii don't bite, in fact they don't really like you, just leave them alone and they will serenade you with their chirp, chirp chirp and keep your hale free of bugs. Of course you have to clean up some gecko poop once in a while. Little to pay to keep your tropical hale bug free.
If you have a gecko story about your encounter with the geckos in Hawaii, please, let us and our Hawaii visitors know. Mahalo and aloha, Keoki Hawaii Vacations
Walk Like Di Fara

Riau Islands Tourism Board Travel Tours Information
Number of foreign tourists to visit on holiday in Kep. Riau is also very proud of the province located on the island of Sumatra.
Many interesting places of Sightseeing Indonesia in Riau Islands Province, such as beach tourism. Some marine tourism is the mainstay of tourism Kepulauan Riau jessamine Beach, Pulau Abang, Nongsa Beach is located in the city of Batam, Cote Plaintiff was in Karimun regency, then Lagoi Coast, Cape Coast Berakit, Trikora Beach, Leisure Park and Bintan in Bintan regency . For the hobby wisatwan snorkeling can visit Natuna Regency. Many tourists come to this district to enjoy the beautiful underwater world.
In the Riau Islands Province there are also other attractions that are not less interesting. Tourists can see the cultural tourism. Cultural tourism in the Riau Islands as the tombs of historic, traditional dance, there is also a typical regional events to promote tourism world Riau Islands.
Penyengat Island
Sightseeing Penyengat Island is a small island located about 6 km from the town of Tanjung Pinang. Penyengat Island area of approximately 2,500 meters x 750 meters. Distance Penyengat Island not too far from the island of Batam, which attract tourists to vacation in this island. For access to this island can be achieved by wearing boots or boat in the local language pompong better known bot. Time is needed if travelers use the bot pompong only about 15 minutes.
Sightseeing can be viewed on the island Penyengat Grand Mosque Sultan Riau is made from egg whites, there are the tombs of the kings, there are also tombs of national heroes Raja Ali Haji, and there are complex and the Palace Office in Fort Hill Chair.
Tourism Places On Vacation In Riau Kepulauan Riau Islands
Number of foreign tourists to visit on holiday in Kep. Riau is also very proud of the province located on the island of Sumatra.
Many interesting places of Sightseeing Indonesia in Riau Islands Province, such as beach tourism. Some marine tourism is the mainstay of tourism Kepulauan Riau jessamine Beach, Pulau Abang, Nongsa Beach is located in the city of Batam, Cote Plaintiff was in Karimun regency, then Lagoi Coast, Cape Coast Berakit, Trikora Beach, Leisure Park and Bintan in Bintan regency . For the hobby wisatwan snorkeling can visit Natuna Regency. Many tourists come to this district to enjoy the beautiful underwater world.
In the Riau Islands Province there are also other attractions that are not less interesting. Tourists can see the cultural tourism. Cultural tourism in the Riau Islands as the tombs of historic, traditional dance, there is also a typical regional events to promote tourism world Riau Islands.
Penyengat Island
Sightseeing Penyengat Island is a small island located about 6 km from the town of Tanjung Pinang. Penyengat Island area of approximately 2,500 meters x 750 meters. Distance Penyengat Island not too far from the island of Batam, which attract tourists to vacation in this island. For access to this island can be achieved by wearing boots or boat in the local language pompong better known bot. Time is needed if travelers use the bot pompong only about 15 minutes.
Sightseeing can be viewed on the island Penyengat Grand Mosque Sultan Riau is made from egg whites, there are the tombs of the kings, there are also tombs of national heroes Raja Ali Haji, and there are complex and the Palace Office in Fort Hill Chair.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Riau Tourism Travel Tours
Provincial capital of Riau in Pekanbaru is located on the island of Sumatra. There are several interesting attractions Riau because one of the tourism potential in Sumatra, Indonesia can be made as a vacation destination by foreign or local wisatwan. Sightseeing in Riau as Alam Mayang
SKA Mall, Lake Limbungan, Bandar Serai, Kubang Zoo, Market Down, Thunder Waterfall Waterfall Batangkuban Gemurai and where tourism is the pride of citizens of the province of Riau. But there are several other attractions which attract tourists include:
Nature Tourism Riau;
Jemur Island
This tourist island is about 45 miles from the capital of Rokan Hilir, Bagansiapiapi, and only 45 miles from the nation itself. Jemur Island has a very beautiful natural scenery. In this Jemur Island also keep some other tourism potentials such as Japanese Cave, Lighthouse, Marine Park and the golden sandy beaches.
Other natural attractions that draw in Riau is the Thirty Hill National Park, Northern Cape Coast Rupat Medang, Waterfall Aek Martua and Tourism Object Bono.
Marine Tourism in Riau Siak Regency
Named the Big Island Lake is located is located at Emerald Village, District of Siak Sri Indrapura. Area attractions are approximately 28,000 ha. There is a diversity of species of wildlife animals in Marga Wildlife Refuge Big Island lake.
Riau Cultural Tourism
Fuel Barge Ceremony
Raiau cultural tourism is named Ceremony Fuel Barge. Cultural tourism is to be seeded from Riau Province Rokan Hilir. Fuel Barge Ceremony is one of the wealth of the provinces of Riau and Cultural Studies has become a national and even international tourism. Fuel Barge Ritual cultural tourism is a sailing story from the people of Chinese descent who had fled from the ruler of Siam in Indo mainland China in the 19th century.
Masjid Raya Pekanbaru
At the Grand Mosque have Eating Marhum Hill and Cemetery Marhum Week. Location of the Grand Mosque of Pekanbaru was in the area and has a beautiful Senapelan District of traditional architecture is very interesting. This mosque is the oldest mosque in Pekanbaru.
Muara Takus
Sightseeing Muara Takus located in the village of Muara Takus, District XIII Koto Kampar, Kampar regency. In the area of this temple there are also some old temple, temple and palace Young Stupa and Palangka. Muara Takus temple complex is the only historic relics in the form of temples in Riau. The temple is also proved that in Riau in earlier times had spread Buddhism
Tempat Obyek Wisata Di Riau
Provinsi Riau yang beribukota di Pekanbaru ini terletak di Pulau Sumatera. Ada beberapa obyek wisata Riau yang menarik karena salah satu potensi wisata indonesia di Sumatera ini bisa di jadikan sebagai tempat tujuan berlibur oleh wisatwan asing atau lokal. Obyek wisata di Riau seperti Alam Mayang
Mal SKA, Danau Limbungan, Bandar Serai, Kubang Zoo, Pasar Bawah, Air Terjun Guruh Gemurai serta Air Terjun Batangkuban merupakan tempat wisata kebanggaan warga provinsi Riau. Namun ada beberapa obyek wisata lain yang menarik minat wisatawan di antaranya adalah :
Wisata Alam Riau ;
Pulau Jemur
Pulau wisata ini berjarak sekitar 45 mil dari ibukota Kabupaten Rokan Hilir, Bagansiapiapi, dan hanya 45 mil dari negara Malaysia. Pulau Jemur memiliki pemandangan alam yang sangat indah. Di Pulau Jemur ini juga menyimpan beberapa potensi wisata lain seperti Goa Jepang, Mercusuar, Taman Laut dan pantai berpasir kuning emas.
Obyek wisata alam lainnya yang menarik di Riau adalah Taman Nasional Bukit Tiga Puluh, Pantai Rupat Utara Tanjung Medang, Air Terjun Aek Martua, serta Objek Wisata Bono.
Wisata Bahari di Kabupaten Siak Riau
Dinamakan Danau Pulau Besar yang lokasinya terletak di Desa Zamrud, Kecamatan Siak Sri Indrapura. Luas obyek wisata ini sekitar 28.000 Ha. Terdapat keanekaragaman jenis hewan satwa liar di Suaka Marga Satwa danau Pulau Besar.
Wisata Budaya Riau
Upacara Bakar Tongkang
Wisata budaya Raiau ini bernama Upacara Bakar Tongkang. Wisata budaya ini menjadi unggulan Provinsi Riau yang berasal dari Kabupaten Rokan Hilir. Upacara Bakar Tongkang merupakan salah satu kekayaan buday dari provinsi Riau dan telah menjadi wisata nasional bahkan internasional. Wisata budaya Ritual Bakar Tongkang merupakan sebuah kisah pelayaran dari masyarakat keturunan Tionghoa yang melarikan diri dari si penguasa Siam di daratan Indo China pada abad ke-19.
Mesjid Raya Pekanbaru
Di Mesjid Raya ini terdapat Makan Marhum Bukit serta Makam Marhum Pekan. Lokasi Mesjid Raya Pekanbaru berada di daerah Kecamatan Senapelan dan memiliki keindahan arsitektur tradisional yang amat menarik. Masjid ini merupakan mesjid tertua di Kota Pekanbaru.
Candi Muara Takus
Obyek wisata Candi Muara Takus berlokasi di desa Muara Takus, Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampar, Kabupaten Kampar. Di dalam kawasan candi ini juga terdapat beberapa bangunan candi Tua, candi Bungsu dan Mahligai Stupa serta Palangka. Kompleks candi Muara Takus merupakan satu-satunya peninggalan bersejarah yang berbentuk candi di Riau. Candi ini juga membuktikan bahwa di Riau pada jaman dulu pernah tersebar agama Budha
Paused and Poised

I read articles, one after another and yet I still have no idea what exactly is planned for Coney Island or what will actually come to fruition. Apparently, wide scale development is coming. And, as might be expected, the sentiment is all over the spectrum - the detractors, the disgusted and the hopeful.
The passions are completely understandable. Coney Island is a very important piece of real estate and it is amazing that beachfront property in New York City can sit fallow in such a disgraceful state for decades.
You are also not just dealing with a piece of real estate here. Coney Island is for many a world of nostalgia, childhood memories, sights, sounds, smells, play, a world renowned boardwalk and for some a neighborhood to call home. Many have memories of it as a world class resort. And this is New York City, where multi-generational family is heralded and neighborhood pride runs deep.
I visited yesterday, a somewhat bleak but clear November afternoon. It was like a ghost town before sunset. A few photographers were setting up tripods for a sunset shot. Seagulls soared overhead. A few food concessions were open with a handful of patrons. The boardwalk was free of debris. The beach was empty as far as the eye could see, less one woman. The rides were eerily quiet - the various parks closed, the Cyclone and Wonder Wheel idle. Everything paused and poised ...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Mobil Terbaru Di Indonesia 2011
Mobil Arina merupakan salah satu mobil mini hasil rancangan karya Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes). Dengan terciptanya mobil buatan Indonesia terbaru ini telah mendapat dukungan pemerintah. Mobil terbaru Indonesia 2011 ini rencananya dapat dipamerkan pada ajang pameran di Jakarta nanti. Mobil Arina merupakan jenis mobil "microcar" karena ukuranya yang mini. Merek Arina singkatan dari armada Indonesia.
Mobil Arina memiliki panjang sekitar 3 meter dan memiliki volume ruang sekitar 2.400 liter. Kapasitas tempat duduk untuk dua orang serta tersedia tempat bagasi. Alasan utama di buatnya mobil Arina adalah untuk tujuan ekonomis dan efisiensi. Merek dagang mobil Arina sudah terdaftar di Departemen Hukum dan HAM RI untuk kategori alat transportasi. Mobil ini cocok untuk keluarga dan perkotaan. Sehingga mobil ini sangat ideal untuk orang Indonesia.
Artikel Pengetahuan Wawasan Indonesia
Indonesia sebuah negara nan indah memiliki banyak tempat menarik potensi wisata dunia keanekaragaman budaya serta banyak hal menarik yang bisa di temui di indonesia. Cari info online tentang Indonesia, Di sini!
Produk Made In Buatan Indonesia
Untuk lebih mencintai hasil karya produk dalam negeri, berikut ini adalah beberapa produk hasil karya bangsa Indonesia. Di harapkan dengan mengetahui produk asli buatan Indonesia, masyarakat Indonesia lebih mencintai produyk made ini Indonesia. Apalagi dalam era perdagangan bebas, di mana Indonesia akan di serbu produk asing yang sudah tentu akan membuat persaingan dalam pemasaran produk Indonesia semakin ketat.
Perusahaan Polytron in berada di Kudus, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Produk yang di buat kebanyakan adalah produk elektronik seperti Televisi, mesin cuci, kulkas, tape dll. Kualitasnya tidak kalah dengan produk elektronik buatan luar negeri.
Produk fashion ini mungkin banyak yang menyangka buatan luar negeri. Produk ini cukup familiar untuk penggemar fashion di Indonesia, khususnya penggemar jeans.
California Fried Chicken
Kalau dari luar ada MacDonald, Indonesia juga memiliki produk fast food. Rasanyapun tak kalah dengan makanan fast food lainnya. Mungkin malah lebih enak yang ini karena sesuai selera Indonesia. Nama boleh kebarat-baratan tapi California Fried Chicken merupakan jenis produk makanan siap saji buatan Indonesia.
Berbanggalah menjadi anak Indonesia, karena sudah bisa membuat produk notebook sendiri. Disaat Indonesia kebanjiran produk import berupa handphone, laptop atau notebook Byon menjadi pilihan untuk Anda yang cinta produk dalam negeri. Selain harganya lebih murah kualitasnya pun tak bisa bersaing dengan produk lainnya yang sejenis. Dengan kehadiran Byon di harapkan masyarakat bisa mencoba produk ini. Dan ini membuktikan bahwa Indonesia ternyata juga bisa membuat produk teknologi yang canggih dan banyak peminatnya.
Untuk penggemar produk sepeda, Polygon pasti tak asing lagi. Ada beberapa jenis sepeda yang di hasilkan seperti sepeda gunung, sepeda mini, hingga sepeda jenis BMX.
Kalau produk furniture ini pasti semua orang Indonesia juga tahu. Produk jenis meubel yang terkenal dan kualitasnya paling OK adalah meubel buatan Jepara, Jawa Tengah. Produk Meubel telah lama menjadi hasil industri dan telah banyak di eksport serta banyak di minati luar negeri.
Batik juga asli buatan Indonesia, saat in Batik telah menjadi trend. Cocok untuk di pakai acara formal atau santai. Batik yang terkenal adalah buatan Solo, Yogya dan Pekalongan.
Banten Tourism Travel Tours
List of tourist attractions in Banten and attractions in Banten for leisure and tourism:
Ujung Kulon National Park, Banten, Indonesia
Sightseeing Banten named Ujung Kulon National Park is one of the national parks and a nature conservation in Indonesia. If tourists come to the Ujung Kulon National Park wisatwan can see the natural beauty of tropical forests. One of the main attraction of the Ujung Kulon National Park is one-horned rhino is an animal.
Tourists also can visit some beautiful small islands, such as Peucang Island, Island Handeuleum, and Panaitan Island. One of the advantages of this national park is as natural habitats for various wildlife species protected by the state. There are some rare protected animals such as the Javan rhinoceros, deer, wild boar, bobcat, deer, buffalo, various primates, lemurs, and various species of birds.
To go to Ujung Kulon National Park, tourists can go through Labuan or can overwater using a boat to one of the existing island. To complement the tourism facilities Banten some means to support the Banten tourism in National Parks has built the inn, the information center for tourists, tour guides are available, as well as means of transportation.
Pulau Dua / Bird Island
When Tourists on holiday to this island is the main attraction is a very stunning natural beauty of the sea in the form of clusters of coral, there are various types of marine fish. Size of this island is about 30 ha. What's interesting is in every year between April and August, thousands of birds from various countries to visit this island.
To get to Island Two tourists can use / rent a traditional boat or boat motor and mileage is about 15 to 30 minutes. path in going through is through the Wetland Luhur, Kasemen.
Pulau Umang
Many interesting things if tourists on holiday to Pulau Umang. Location Pulau Umang located in Pandeglang beach attractions and very close to attractions Cape Dimples. There are many available facilities for the holiday because there has been a managing. Available resorts, conference rooms, a cafe, spa, there is a business center, sunset lounge, beach club and swimming pool.
Mount Krakatau
Who does not know Mount Krakatau? Mount Krakatau is located in the waters of the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra is one of the most famous mountain in the world. Natural tourism area is very easy to reach from the coast of Anyer, Carita and only take about one hour by boat motors
Tempat Obyek Wisata Di Banten
Daftar tempat wisata di Banten serta obyek wisata di Banten untuk liburan dan wisata :
Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon, Banten, Indonesia
Obyek wisata Banten yang bernama Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon ini adalah salah satu taman nasional dan sebagai konservasi alam yang ada di Indonesia. Jika wisatawan datang ke Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon wisatwan dapat menyaksikan keindahan alam berupa hutan tropis. Salah satu daya tarik utama dari Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon ini adalah hewan Badak bercula satu.
Wisatawan juga bisa berkunjung ke beberapa pulau kecil yang indah, seperti Pulau Peucang, Pulau Handeuleum, dan Pulau Panaitan. Salah satu kelebihan dari taman nasional ini adalah sebagai habitat alami untuk berbagai jenis satwa yang dilindungi oleh negara. Ada beberapa hewan langka yang di lindungi seperti badak jawa, rusa, babi hutan, kucing hutan, kijang, banteng, berbagai primata, lemur, serta berbagai macam jenis burung.
Untuk menuju Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon wisatawan dapat melalui Labuan atau bisa juga melalui jalan laut dengan menggunakan sebuah perahu menuju salah satu pulau yang ada. Untuk melengkapi fasilitas pariwisata Banten beberapa sarana untuk menunjang pariwisata Banten di Taman Nasional ini telah di bangun penginapan, pusat informasi untuk wisatawan, tersedia pemandu wisata, serta sarana transportasi.
Pulau Dua/Pulau Burung
Ketika Wisatawan berlibur ke Pulau ini ada daya tarik utama yang sangat mempesona yaitu keindahan alam laut yang berupa gugusan karang, ada berbagai macam jenis ikan laut. Luas Pulau ini ini sekitar 30 ha. Yang menarik adalah pada setiap tahun antara bulan April dan Agustus, beribu-ribu burung dari berbagai negara mengunjungi pulau ini.
Untuk menuju Pulau Dua wisatawan bisa menggunakan / menyewa perahu tradisional atau perahu motor dan jarak tempuhnya sekitar 15 sampai 30 menit. jalur yang di lalui adalah melalui daerah Sawah Luhur, Kasemen.
Pulau Umang
Banyak hal yang menarik jika wisatawan berlibur ke Pulau Umang. Lokasi Pulau Umang terletak di daerah obyek wisata pantai Pandeglang dan sangat dekat dengan obyek wisata Tanjung Lesung. Di sini sudah banyak tersedia fasilitas untuk liburan karena sudah ada yang mengelola. Tersedia resort, ruang pertemuan, ada kafe, spa, ada pusat bisnis, sunset lounge, klub pantai, serta kolam renang.
Gunung Krakatau
Siapa yang tidak tahu Gunung Krakatau? Gunung Krakatau yang lokasinya ada di perairan selat Sunda antara pulau Jawa dan Pulau Sumatera merupakan salah satu gunung yang paling terkenal di dunia. Kawasan wisata alam ini sangat mudah jangkau dari pantai Anyer-Carita dan hanya menempuh waktu sekitar satu jam dengan menggunakan perahu motor.
West Nusa Tenggara Tourism Travel Tours
West Nusa Tenggara capital is Mataram. Some of the attractions of West Nusa Tenggara are very well known and include the mainstay tourism is Senggigi Beach NTB Indonesia and Komodo Island that have more value and is very well known and frequently visited by local or foreign tourists.
Here are some tourist attractions in West Nusa Tenggara East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara tourism is the favorite for holiday tours.
Gili Trawangan West Nusa Tenggara East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia:
Sightseeing Gili Trawangan is a beautiful island and the greatest of the three small islands are located northwest of Lombok. Gili Trawangan has complete facilities for visiting tourists.
As tourists on vacation in Gili Trawangan, activities and most popular frequently done is to try scuba diving and snorkeling. But many are surfing or kayaking. Wisatwan also can hire a horse to circle the island.
Mount Rinjani
Mount Rinjani is located there on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Mount Rinjani is an option for mountaineers in Indonesia karana have a very beautiful panorama. Mount Rinjani was also part of Mount Rinjani National Park.
Komodo Island National Park West Nusa Tenggara province.
An exotic island and many tourist attractions in the world. Suitable for adventure. Tourists can see rare animals and supposedly only found in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
Komodo National Park is located in the province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Komodo National Park consists of three major islands including the island of Komodo, Rinca and Padar.
Komodo National Park is a very fascinating was founded in 1980. Destinations in Komodo National Park is set for a kind of ancient animal animals meilindungi the Komodo dragon, or Varanus komodoensis dalambahsa is Latin. Then In 1986, the island of Komodo National Park has been designated as World Heritage Sites (World Heritage Site) and the Man and Biosphere Reserve by the world body UNESCO
Tempat Obyek Wisata Di Nusa Tenggara Barat
Nusa Tenggara Barat beribukota di Mataram. Beberapa obyek wisata Nusa Tenggara Barat yang sangat terkenal dan termasuk andalan wisata indonesia adalah Pantai Senggigi NTB serta Pulau Komodo yang memiliki nilai lebih dan sudah sangat terkenal dan sering di kunjungi oleh wisatawan lokal atau mancanegara.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa Tempat wisata di Nusa Tenggara Barat NTT dan obyek wisata Nusa Tenggara Barat yang jadi favorit untuk wisata liburan.
Gili Trawangan Nusa Tenggara Barat NTT Indonesia :
Obyek wisata Gili Trawangan merupakan sebuah pulau cantik dan yang terbesar di antara tiga pulau kecil dan lokasinya ada di sebelah barat laut Lombok. Gili Trawangan memiliki fasilitas yang cukup lengkap untuk kunjungan wisatawan.
Saat wisatawan berlibur ke Gili Trawangan, aktivitas yang sering dan paling populer dilakukan adalah mencoba scuba diving serta snorkeling. Namun banyak juga yang berselancar atau bermain kayak. Wisatwan juga bisa menyewa kuda untuk mengelilingi pulau.
Gunung Rinjani
Gunung Rinjani ini lokasinya ada di Pulau Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Gunung Rinjani menjadi pilihan bagi pendaki gunung di Indonesia karana memiliki panorama yang sangat indah. Gunung Rinjani juga menjadi bagian dari Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani.
Taman Nasional Pulau Komodo Nusa Tenggara Barat NTB.
Sebuah pulau nan eksotik dan banyak menarik wisatawan di dunia. Cocok untuk petualangan. Wisatawan bisa menyaksikan hewan langka dan konon hanya terdapat di Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.
Taman Nasional Komodo lokasinya di antara propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) dan propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Taman nasional pulau Komodo ini terdiri atas tiga buah pulau besar diantaranya adalah Pulau Komodo, Pulau Rinca dan Pulau Padar.
Taman Nasional Komodo yang sangat mempesona ini didirikan pada tahun 1980. Tujuan di dirikan Taman Nasional Komodo adalah untuk meilindungi satwa sejenis binatang purba yaitu Komodo atau dalambahsa latinnya adalah Varanus komodoensis. Kemudian Pada tahun 1986, Taman Nasional pulau Komodo telah ditetapkan sebagai Situs Warisan Dunia (World Heritage Site) serta Man and Biosphere Reserve oleh badan dunia UNESCO.
East Nusa Tenggara Tourism Travel Tours
There are several choices of tourist attractions in the East. Object of nautical tourism, nature tourism to historic tourism in NTT is in the interest of many local or foreign tourists. Tourism eastern Indonesia has a wealth of attractions that are not inferior to other provinces in Indonesia
One of the interesting attractions for tourists beach is Manikin Beach located in the area Tarus Central Kupang. The distance is not too far only about 13 km from the city of Kupang. Manikin Beach tourists often visit because it has a very beautiful natural scenery, dazzling white sands and became one of the beach attractions most visited by tourists, especially local. Wisatwan often vacation here to swim, walk the beach to enjoy the fresh air, beach volleyball or sports.
There are other beach tourism in Nusa Tenggara and frequently visited is Akle Beach and Beach Otan is located in District Semau. For tourists who want adventure is interesting island for a vacation that is
Semau Island and Monkey Island. Here wisatwan can snorkel because the water at the beach island is very clear. Here are also available some lodging for the night.
For tourists who want to buy or handicraft shop from NTT, there are locations where the making of handicraft weaving East. In this place there are also historical tour of the Dutch colonial era heritage buildings.
If Tourists on holiday with family tourists can come to Baumata. Baumata is is a village in Central Kupang. Baumata is one of the interesting recreational and crowded people. Baumata natural attractions is a Swimming Pool and is suitable for children's holidays.
Trekking to the Roof of the World
17 October - 21 November
Where do I begin? How does anyone adequately sum up 5 weeks spent amongst some of the most majestic mountain scenery on earth? In mid-October, Rachel, Betsy, and I departed Kathmandu, and after 8 stomach churning hours aboard a bus in the Himalayan foothills we arrived in the market town of Jiri. From there it was our legs and lung capacity guiding us higher and higher toward the roof of the world, Sagarmatha (aka Chomolungma in Tibetan, Everest in English).
The first 9 days of the trek, which led us from Jiri to Namche Bazar were mostly Himalayan flat. That means, not flat at all, but starting and ending each day at approximately the same elevation. For example, on the first day of the trek, we climbed 2000 feet, descended 3300 feet, ate lunch, and then climbed another 3300 feet to Deurali, arriving at our lodge just before sundown. I think all of us agree that this portion of the trek was some of the most demanding hiking we have ever done in our lives.
This section of trail crosses 3 major passes, numerous rivers, and passes hundreds of Buddhist prayer walls and chortens with prayer flags strung everywhere. The scenery is dramatic. Agricultural terraces of rice, buckwheat, or corn festoon hillsides for thousands of vertical feet. Dense conifer forests dotted with maples and oaks in fall colors drape hillsides, and late blooming flowers soak up the fall’s final rays of sun. This section of trail is not heavily traveled until just below Namche Bazaar, and gave us a glimpse of what trekking in the Everest was like decades ago. We arrived in Namche Bazaar with strong legs, and in need of a couple of days of rest.
It was from just above Namche, hiking up the Khumbu Valley, where we gained our first clear views of the high Himalayas. As we inched our way higher and higher, grand peaks loomed in every direction. It seemed as if each turn in the trail revealed new and ever more spectacular mountain scenery. This is a landscape that makes you feel insignificant and, by comparison, other mountain landscapes the world over seem small.
Each of us was attracted to different mountains in this part of the trek. It seems quite funny to initiate a trek to Everest but be unable to take your eyes off of surrounding peaks such as Ama Dablam, Tabuche, and Pumo Ri (all small when compared to giants like Everest or Lhotse). Make no mistake; this part of the trek is inhospitable to man.
With each step up the air became colder and the available oxygen became scarcer. By the time we reached our high point, panting up the 18,200 foot mountain of Kala Patthar, only half of the oxygen available at sea level was present. Climbing higher and higher with throbbing heads, struggling for each breath, and fighting constant nausea--- we felt awful. At the same time we were awestruck at the cathedral of peaks, so close and clear, looming in all directions. It amazed us that when we stopped walking and enjoyed these views the effects of altitude would suddenly disappear.
On clear evenings we shivered contentedly as we watched the sunset and the alpenglow glowing orange on the earth’s highest mountain. At dusk, as the last light faded, we witnessed Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse, and countless other peaks against a background of purple twilight. However beautiful, as we left our highest sleeping point at Gorakshep (16,960 feet) and packed up our frozen water bottles, we were happy to head lower down the Khumbu Valley.
On a steep, narrow, vertigo-inducing trail we left the Khumbu Valley and headed toward the Gokyo Lakes. Over the course of three days of trekking we regained the elevation we had lost and entered the Gokyo Valley.
We were now on the opposite (west) side of numerous mountains now familiar to us. The landscape in this area appears drier, more open, and the massive Cho Oyo (at 26,800 feet, the world’s 6th highest mountain), is prominent in nearly every view. Each of the Gokyo Lakes is a turquoise gem. In the still, early morning light these azure waters feature unreal reflections of high mountains-truly a photographer’s dream.
In the Gokyo area, Everest and its neighbors are at a fair distance, and one gains a real perspective of the highest mountain on earth. From the nearly 18,000 foot peak, Gokyo Ri, and the stark landscape surrounding the 5th Gokyo Lake, there is no question that Everest is the roof of the world.
From Gokyo, it was an uneventful walk down to Lukla over the course of five days, where we were to catch a flight back to Kathmandu on the 28th day of the trek. With the exception of one snowstorm, which serendipitously hit on one of our only rest days, we had been graced by fine, clear, magnificent weather. I guess it is safe to assume that we had exhausted our good weather karma. Planes cannot land in Lukla when it is cloudy. Waiting for the weather to clear, stranded in Lukla, five days had passed and very few planes had departed. On the sixth day we awoke to clear skies and a chance to fly, but bad weather in Kathmandu kept planes grounded. To put it nicely, there are a million places other than Lukla where I would rather be stranded for a week. On Day 7 (another cloudy day), feeling desperate and contemplating walking 7 days back to the nearest road in Jiri we called, Santaman, the owner of Nepal Trek Guide (our trekking agency in Kathmandu), and pleaded “Charter us a helicopter and get us out of here, we have had enough,”. Our helicopter was scheduled to arrive in the early afternoon and had to depart before 4:30pm to get to Kathmandu before dark. At 3pm it started to rain and they decided that no more helicopters would land in Lukla that day. Waiting at the helipad in misty rain, faced with another miserable night in Lukla (home to the world’s nastiest bathroom-located right in our guesthouse), Santaman worked a miracle. Our wonderful guide Dev said “We move to Surkhe, where the heli will land in one hour”. Grabbing all of our gear we literally ran downhill for an hour in the rain on slippery rocks, dodging Lukla’s open sewers, and arrived breathless at the helipad/cow pasture in the tiny village of Surkhe with 10 minutes to spare. The cows were moved aside, our helicopter landed, we boarded at 4:15pm, and we soared over the misty Himalayan countryside back to Kathmandu.
After 10 days without a shower we are clean and well-fed. Today sadly parted ways with Betsy (who is headed to the beach in Thailand) and our new friend Tony who shared every excruciating moment of Lukla with us, and flew to Delhi, India. In a couple of days, Rachel’s sister, Sarah, and her cousin, Kevin, will join us for a few weeks, glimpsing the color and clamor of Northern India (Taj Mahal, here we come).
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tempat Obyek Wisata Di Nusa Tenggara Timur
"The Women"

When I was a child at family gatherings, people grouped by sex and age, some occurring naturally and some of it planned. Often, when large numbers came together and it was mealtime, children would be relegated to the basement to sit together at a folding card table. We made the best of it to sit and eat in that dank, dreary, sunless, subterranean place. It was clear we did not have adult status and that kitchen or dining room tables were prime real estate.
At other times there was a division of the sexes, a natural tendency. In our household, however, my mother would make an announcement something like "why don't the men go in the other room and the women can stay here and talk." The sexes were referred to in the third person, even the announcer and her entourage. It was always "the men" and "the women."
The problem is I never really liked being with "the men" - it was typically synonymous with watching sports on TV. I sought out the women, who appeared to have more meaningful conversations on a variety of subjects and were very comfortable socially.
I recently attended a hooping event at a bar in midtown Manhattan. Although there were a handful of men attending, this event was primarily dominated by women, to be expected in the hooping community. I was there as an equipment maker to meet, greet, show and tell. However, it should come as no surprise that I soon found a room where "the women" were socializing.
I was drawn to Bex Burton, fascinated with her mountain of hair.
Bex is a woman whose life straddles many of the alternative worlds of occupation and recreation. Perhaps surprising to some, but New York City is no stranger to new agism, body work, healing or even Burning Man devotees (she has attended 3 years). People adorned like Rebecca typically do not shun attention (she has over 1000 images on her Facebook page), so it is not surprising that she was very receptive to allowing me to photograph her, agree to this story, supply a detailed life history and, of course, tell me about her hair:
"I have yarn and synthetic hair extensions, installed by Dana Devine, The Goddess Maker. The yarn that comprises my hair is a combination of wool, mohair, roving (equivalent to the same lambs' wool I once lined my point shoes with!) acrylic gold (which makes it sparkle), and a silk yarn that's made from sari's from India. The extensions were installed on Friday 8/13, the day before my birthday and massive boat party, and 2 weeks before my departure to Burning Man. Dana was at my house for 12 hours, though I believe we actually worked for about 8-9 hours. We took many breaks, as it's pretty intense work for a long haul."
"Over time the yarn will "felt" together, forming dreadlocks. I encouraged the felting by braiding and wrapping each yarn cluster to keep them tidy and avoid cross-cluster felting. The conditions of Burning Man are extremely conducive to this type of hair, as the dust encourages the felting, the wool keeps your body warm at night, and the segmentation of hair at the scalp keeps you air conditioned during the daytime. I washed the yarn the first time after Burning Man in Reno with organic dish soap. Other detergents are more likely to leave residue. I suppose Woolite would work too, as the process is similar to washing your favorite wool sweater. The wool dried within hours thanks to Reno's desert climate, and thank goodness because a head full of wet wool is h-e-a-v-y. Drying in NYC takes quite a bit longer, more like 24 hours. I employ the sham-wow technique cityside."
Bex was born in Newport, Rhode Island and moved to New York City in 2005. I asked about her education:
"I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Television / Radio production from Ithaca College. My focus of study was Video Production. I held four internships in college in two different cities. After which I determined I didn't want to work in television, so I completed my studies producing video art (and earning the highest grades of my academic career). Following school I pursued Video, but quickly realized I wanted to create movement, rather than capture it."
Currently, she is a Pilates Instructor, Thai Massage practitioner, Hula Hoop Performer and teacher. She also told me some about her family life:
"I come from a military family. My dad is a retired Naval Captain, and my brother is an active duty Lt. Commander helicopter pilot. When I was young there was discussion of me following the same path. (gasp!) At this point, I am fully committed to my artistic life and look, and my family is wonderfully supportive and happy for me."
Today, Bex is removing her yarn extensions, a process she says will take all day. After reading a few stories on this website, she says:
"Also, similar to Jenn's story, your timing is amazing. I'm scheduled to remove the extensions TOMORROW. I'll quickly cut and color, and prep for FEATHER locks on Monday."
Good luck to Rebecca and thanks, for these are the things you can learn if you spend time with "the women." :)