Thursday, November 11, 2010

Aceh Tourism Tours Travel Information

Sights and attractions in Aceh: Aceh Province, or commonly called the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) have the potential to attract tourism. Aceh is one of the provinces in Indonesia and is located on the island of Sumatra and the west.

Actually, the province has many interesting attractions such as just a holiday where the beach attractions Lhok-Nga is famous for. In addition to beautiful scenery tourist attraction places in Aceh is also white sand. Moreover, the panoramic hills around the beach Lhpk Nga.

There is also Lake Laut Tawar Aceh are located in the mountains. The location of this lake is located in the Takengon, Central Aceh. Another interesting place is the Hot Springs Pool, located in Simpang Behind the distance about 14 km from Takengon. Travelers who vacation here believe that the pool is also frequent in the visit of foreign tourists to treat some types of skin diseases.

If travelers want a vacation to the province in addition, also a historical attractions such as traditional house just Tjut Meutia. Tjut Meutia was one lady that comes the National heroes from Aceh. Tourists can come to Matangkuli district, village Pirak if you want to know about traditional house Tjut Meutia.

Not only that, the tourists who want to know about the tsunami disaster could also come to the Tsunami Museum. This museum was founded to commemorate the storm Tsunami tragedy that occurred in December 2004.

For tourists like the challenge can enjoy attractions Waterfall 7, was given the name Seven because it has 7 levels. Here, tourists can enjoy the facilities arum rapids, with a challenging river flow!

For Muslims and want to see religion tourism can visit the Great Mosque Baiturrahman. The mosque is said to be one of the most magnificent mosque in Southeast Asia.

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