Sunday, November 14, 2010

West Sumatera Tourism Travel Tours

List of Tour Destinations In West Sumatra mandatory visit by tourists who want to vacation in western Sumatra. As one of the provinces in Indonesia, the island of Sumatra save huge potential in tourism.

Of the many tourist resorts in western Sumatra, there are some interesting places to adventure tourists who like to walk around Indonesia. West Sumatra province is its capital Padang. For most Indonesian people would have known Padang dish that has been widely spread in all regions of Indonesia. But, there are also other interesting things that exist in West Sumatra is the field of tourism. There are several tourist attractions in western Sumatra, which attract tourists to visit pleh foreign or local. Maybe you've had a holiday into a tourist attraction in West Sumatra.

List of interesting places Tourism in West Sumatra Province are:

Sianok canyon, West Sumatra.
The place is in Bukittinggi. Sianok canyon or often called Quiet Valley is one of the beautiful attractions of West Sumatra. Many tourists who vacation in West Sumatra always made time to come here. Located in the central town of Bukittinggi and easily accessible course will attract tourists who will vacation in West Sumatra.

Maninjau Lake, West Sumatra.
Nature tourism is a very beautiful and interesting location not far from Bukittinggi, is very suitable as a pleasant trip. At the lake this Maninjau available facilities for swimming, fishing, and water so that within their bikes for the whole family vacation spot.

Jam Gadang West Sumatra
This place is very popular for tourists and become a landmark and a symbol of the town of Bukittinggi. Clock Tower is a building that tall tower and a distinctive Minangkabau roof. Clock Tower built in the Dutch government in 1827, the location is on top of a hill called Mount Enclosure Buffalo. If the tourists climbed to the top of the tower, tourists can see a very beautiful nature. Clock Tower surrounded by the Mount Merapi, Mount Singgalang, Mount Sago and Sianok canyon.

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